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Aromatherapy F.A.Q.

Aromatherapy Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What press are your oils?

A. Our oils are all first press essential oils, with the exception of Rose, Jasmine, and Heliotrope, which are absolutes.  

Q. What does press mean?

A. The press of an oil refers to the round of distillation that it comes from. Some oils have 5 presses or more. With peppermint for example, the same plant material is distilled several times. The first round of distillation is called first press and is the highest quality. Then they add water and distill the same plant material again. That is second press. Then there is third press, fourth press (commercial grade) and fifth press (food grade). Though all the oils are considered "pure," first press oil is the ideal oil for aromatherapy.

Q. Are your oils safe enough to ingest?

A. In the United States, ingestion of essential oils is considered aromatic medicine and should only be done under the direction of a medical doctor who is also trained in essential oils. Our oils are the finest and purest available. Despite their purity, they are only safe to ingest if under the direction of a physician. 

Q. Are your oils gentle enough to use directly on the skin?

A. The National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy recommends that only oils of Lavender, Fragonia and Tea Tree be used directly on the skin. All other oils should be diluted. 

Q. How long do oils last?

A. Oils have a shelf life of 2-3 years and then they begin to lose potency. The exception to this is citrus oils, which will last 9 months to 12 months and then they will go rancid. Another exception to this is Peppermint, Patchouli and Eucalyptus, which actually get stronger over time. 

Q. How much oil do I use in a cream?

A. The amount of oil you want to use can vary depending on what you are trying to do. Your motto should be “less is more.” You can always add more, but you cannot take it away. For an adult, we recommend that you use no more than 18 drops per two tablespoons of carrier oil, and often far less is needed to achieve amazing results. Extra care should be taken with “hot” oils such as clove or cinnamon, as they can be irritating to the skin. For babies, one drop of lavender or roman chamomile is more than enough for an infant massage. When the child doubles in weight, you can double the drops.

Q. Are oils safe during pregnancy?

A. While there are many reputable books that say some oils are safe during pregnancy, I feel that there is to much conflicting information. When it comes to pregnancy, we feel that it is better to err on the side of caution. So, the only oil we recommend is ginger, via inhalation for nausea.  For any other use of oils, we encourage you to consult a medical doctor first.  Also please note you should not use aromatherapy while breastfeeding, since the oils are stored in fat cells and can be passed through the mother's milk. 

Q. Can oils be used on babies/children?

A. You can certainly use oils for babies or children, but they must be more diluted. For an infant massage, you can use 1 drop of lavender or roman chamomile in 1 ounce of carrier. When the baby doubles in weight, you can double the drops. Please note you do not want to use any oils one day before or one week after a vaccination or flu shot.