Product Description
Organ Tuner Set 15 w/pouch (Weighted)
You can order any non-stock items as a pre-order. Most non-stock items will be shipped in 6-8 weeks. When ordering you can use the code WAIT20 to get 20% off your order. Your order helps me to begin to expand my ever growing inventory of forks. You can also visit my custom shop that has fork sets that don't exist on the market today but that I have found to be amazing in the world of sound healing.
If you feel called to a weighted organ set, please consider first to order a custom fork or two at a different octave than the standard frequency. The stock sets on the market are the same frequeency as the unweighted set resulting in a much shorter fork. Some of the forks do not hold the vibration long simply due to the size of the fork. A custom fork made a few octives different from the unweighted version may perform better. Of course everyone has their own preference.